Investing your money strategically in real estate will provide financial freedom. It is easier than you think!

Achieve wealth & financial freedom through real estate

The possibilities are greater than you can imagine.
You can have financial security.

We believe building wealth through real estate is one of the safest ways for anyone to “get ahead”. We educate people on how they can get a better return on their money by investing in real estate. There are many strategies that you can implement that will allow you to create residual income and gain financial freedom.  We use effective strategies that have proven results.

Real Estate is possible for everyone! Learn how to leverage your existing capital and release your money blocks – You too can have above average wealth and feel financial secure. REAL Wealth Capital Partners can help you realize your potential. We partner with you and we manage the entire process. Let us show you how safe and  easy real estate can be.

our values

House & Heart

We believe everyone should feel financial security and that it is an attainable goal. We feel passionate about sharing our proven strategic methods with others. We want to help people overcome their money blocks to achieve above average wealth through the real estate market.

what we do

red mug and computer

We want you to look at your money in a different way –  look at your money as a tool that can work for you. It is possible to leverage your money to make more money. We help you understand our real estate strategies and partner with you to find the best method that will work for you.

how we help you

Red chair with lightbulb

There are many ways we can work with you. Through our partnership, we teach you our proven real estate strategies and help you overcome money blocks to attain your financial freedom. We manage your real estate investments so your residual income flows easily and hassle-free.

Elizabeth Carrera, Founder, CPA

Elizabeth Carrera is a skilled Chartered Public Accountant and Chartered Accountant. Her acumen in analysis and finance, propelled her to find new ways to build wealth. Elizabeth knew she couldn’t recreate more hours and became tried of trading her time for money. She wanted out of the rat race! Through numerous hours of training, mentorship, and education, Elizabeth developed a new outlook on real estate investing. Real Estate isn’t just for the rich! It is the best way to create wealth for retirement or financial freedom. She believes real estate is the safest avenue to build wealth. Elizabeth can teach you the best methods to make your money work for you.

Elizabeth Carrera, CPA and Director of RWCP Inc.
“I’m passionate about helping people find peace of mind when it comes to their financial security and financial future. 
If you’ve ever wanted to invest in real estate, and you think you need a lot of money to get started, or the thought of being a landlord and managing tenants and property sounds like too much work, I’m here to help make that entire process easy for you.” – Elizabeth Carrera

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