Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! 

As I sit down to reflect on the past year, it’s clear to me that I have so much to be grateful for. 

First and foremost, I’m so thankful for the gift of good health.  Over the past few months, I have experienced the tragic and sudden losses of some close family and friends that I grew up with.  These heartbreaking moments are a reminder that just being alive and healthy is not something that should be taken for granted, and that we should be present and appreciate every moment we have on this earth, especially with our loved ones.  

Even though there have been challenges this year, I still choose to focus on all the positive things in my life. 

It’s been a year now since we moved to Crystal Beach, and we have settled in nicely. My kids adjusted quickly to their new school and made lots of new friends, and since we live in a small community, it’s been nice that they can just bike everywhere to meet up with them. My husband’s work situation has greatly improved and his commute is WAY shorter.  As for me, I love that I can walk to the beach (which I certainly take advantage of weekly!), and since it feels more peaceful here, and there is less “noise” (both literally and metaphorically), it has allowed me to focus more on what is truly important to me, with less external distractions. Overall, it has been such a wonderful transition for my family and I am grateful for this chapter in our life.  

I am also so thankful that for the past year, I have been living a cross-border lifestyle, traveling back and forth to Florida almost monthly! Being able to spend more time in a warmer climate throughout the year has always been a dream of mine, but not one that I thought would happen so quickly.  I am amazed at how much can change in just one short year!   

I’ve learned that even though we may have certain goals in life, the journey to how we accomplish those goals is often not the way that we planned or imagined, and that we need to be flexible along the way. What has worked for me is that I am always open to learning new things, embracing opportunities, and challenging myself.

Yes, I have made mistakes along the way, but just taking consistent actions and picking myself back up and trying again is what has gotten me to where I am today.

So what are some things that you are grateful for today?  Reply to this email and let me know!  I would love to hear from you! 

With gratitude,

~ Elizabeth

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